The Green Recovery Imperative: Future-Proofing the Hospitality Industry
2 September 2020 – COVID-19 has exposed many of the weaknesses in our industry in terms of risk and hazard management, contingency and resiliency plans but also in the way we blindly deal with our environment.
The lens is on tourism as a severely affected sector, but also as culprit of some of the calamities linked to overcrowded cities and polluted natural wonders. The risk associated with climate change are known and this crisis is a reminder that the best course of action is not to ignore the signs but act before the worst of the climate emergency is upon us. Crises, as damaging as they may be, trigger opportunities in product and service and systems innovations. Investing now in climate resilience is an enormous economic opportunity as governments and the industry are looking into economic recovery.
From clean energy to carbon neutral buildings and from farm to fork strategy, the hospitality industry has the unique opportunity to be at the core of this transition, helping to shape the transformation and leading to a new, post COVID-19 normal. A short webinar on the what, how and why of green recovery for hospitality.
Willy Legrand
Gabriel Laeis
The (Green) Recovery Imperative: Hospitality Re-Set Or Bouncing Forward?
The Hotel Yearbook 2020 Special Edition on Sustainable Hospitality
HospitalityNet World Panel on Sustainability in Hospitality
Sustainability in the Hospitality Industry: Principles of sustainable operations
The 3rd edition with instructor material such as slides, test bank and case studies. The 4th edition is in the works and will come out in late 2021. Publisher is Routledge.
Social Entrepreneurship in Hospitality: Principles and Strategies for Change
The textbook is available for pre-order, but will come out officially on Nov. 16, 2020; thanks to The Long Run for many cases of social entrepreneurs in our industry. Publisher is Routledge.