The newest EuroCHRIE membership category delivers real value for money with membership for five full and fifteen associate individuals from your institution, additional marketing opportunities and enhanced exposure during the EuroCHRIE conference.
Additional Premium Membership Opportunities include:
- A web link on the EuroCHRIE website;
- Additional acknowledgement during the Annual Awards celebration;
- Recognition as a premium member on the International CHRIE website;
- Free logo placement in the Guide to College Programs;
- Discount on EuroCHRIE & ICHRIE online professional opportunities.
- Five (5) full voting members
- Fifteen (15) associate members
- Electronic access to the Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Education (JHTE);
- Electronic access to the Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research (JHTR);
- Electronic access and downloads to the Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Cases (JHTC).
- $1,215 for five full members and fifteen associate member
It is not too late to change. If you wish to upgrade your membership then this can be paid on a pro-rata basis.
List of Premium Members
Thank you to all our members who have decided to take up Premium Membership this year.
The schools that have opted to take Premium Membership are as follows: