
A ‘How To’ Guide in Hosting a EuroCHRIE Conference

Organising an international conference requires a dedication of time, financial and manpower resources to undertake the planning and execution of a successful event.

The organiser-host will find complete working documents to help any institution evaluate whether you are ready to organize an international conference or not. In this sense, the Board approved a process to simplify the bidding process.

Phase 1 – Expression of Interest Form

Analyses the feasibility for your institution to organize an EuroCHRIE conference. The emphasis is on general aspects such as manpower, financial control, accessibility, location, conference facilities, security (to mention a few). Your institution should complete the Expression of Interest Form and submit to the Federation Administrator at usually 24 months prior to the conference. Once the Conference Committee validates your proposal, you should start phase 2 and prepare to do a presentation to the Board (normally at the EuroCHRIE Spring Board meeting approximately 15 months before the request). You will find out more information in the selection criteria.

Expression of Interest Form

Also available in *.docx format

Phase 2 – Conference Proposal

The organizer-host will submit the final conference proposal 15 months prior the conference that should be based on the ‘How to Guide’. The Conference Committee will analyse, make suggestions and approve the final document that should be sent to the Federation Administrator at

Institutions should read carefully the documentation provided and then evaluate their proposal to ensure that it contains all the relevant information that is identified in the ‘How to Guide’. In addition, we are looking for you to achieve the following objectives:

  1. To ensure your proposal maintains EuroCHRIE conference quality standard precepts and consistency;
  2. To be a self-assessment guide for host organizations when planning to organize a EuroCHRIE conference;
  3. To simplify the bidding process, providing information to the EuroCHRIE Board members.

Once the organizer-host receives EuroCHRIE approval the institution should submit a definitive global bidding proposal.

Please look at the media walls from previous EuroCHRIE conferences.

Conference Proposal

Also available in *.docx format

Hosting a EuroCHRIE Conference – ‘How to’ Guide

This is a handy and straight-forward guide, that needs to be considered at all times in the bidding process. It outlines your responsibilities as an organiser-host and what we expect as the conference committee of EuroCHRIE.

‘How to’ Guide

Also available in *.docx format

Presentation Selection Criteria

You may be expected to do a presentation to the conference committee. These criteria clearly identify how we will make an objective and transparent judgement about your conference bid.

Presentation Selection Criteria

Also available in *.docx format