Florian Aubke

Florian Aubke
December 13, 2024


[Updated] Voting Process for the Proposed Changes to EuroCHRIE Bylaws

Last week, you were invited to cast your vote on the proposed amendments to the EuroCHRIE Bylaws. The primary change involves renaming our Federation from EuroCHRIE to EMEA CHRIE, reflecting our established geographic boundaries—Europe the Middle East, and Africa—in the federation’s name.

We extend our gratitude to all who have already submitted their votes, whether in support of the Board’s initiative to position the Federation for a dynamic future or expressing concerns regarding the preservation of our organization’s legacy.

Unlike previous voting procedures, this process was designed to allow for comments from members who may not have had the opportunity to participate in prior Board discussions or at the AGM. These comments will guide the board through the transition phase.

Since the voting commenced, we have identified a small but significant oversight in the process, which we are now addressing:

  1. Our complex membership structure includes categories that are ineligible to vote on Federation matters.
  2. While trust is a cornerstone of our community, it is essential to ensure that each member casts only one vote.
  3. We will keep the Voting open for 30 days.

The current voting process cannot guarantee compliance with these provisions. Therefore, we have made the decision to restart the voting procedure, invalidating all votes cast thus far. In the revised process, members will be required to provide their name or membership number. At the conclusion of the voting period, the federation’s administrator will verify the eligibility of all votes against the current membership list.

Only the vote counts will be submitted to the board, and comments will be provided in a summarized format.

Please vote using the button below. The voting will remain open until 17th January, 2025.

Vote Now!

We appreciate your understanding and patience as the Board works to uphold CHRIE’s professional standards. We deeply regret this issue but are committed to ensuring a transparent and reliable process. With your support, we are confident in our ability to rectify this matter.

Yours sincerely,

Florian Aubke
President, EuroCHRIE

Florian Aubke

Florian Aubke
December 13, 2024

Last updated on December 20, 2024