The Hospitality & Tourism Research Community
EuroCHRIE believes in continuous development of individuals. One way to do this, is to get hospitality academics and professionals from our EuroCHRIE constituency across Europe, the Middle-East & Africa regions to explore mutual interests and building closer collaborative research and business networks. As an important and integral part of its mission, and through the organization of conferences and group meetings the EuroCHRIE Federation thus actively promotes research collaboration and network building for all our members and constituencies.

Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research
The Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research (JHTR), is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research, both conceptual and empirical, that clearly enhances the theoretical development of the hospitality and tourism field. JHTR encourages research based on a variety of methods, including both qualitative and quantitative approaches. To promote the exchange of current and innovative ideas, JHTR also includes a Research Notes and Industry Viewpoints section.This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Education
Published four times each year, the Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Education is a refereed, interdisciplinary journal of International Council on Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education (ICHRIE). The Journal is designed to facilitate scholarly interchange among hospitality and tourism educators, industry practitioners and educators from related disciplines. It aims to serve the needs of all levels of hospitality and tourism education through the presentation of issues and opinions pertinent to the field.