Willy Legrand

Willy Legrand
July 20, 2020


Panel – Economics of Green Investment and Planning for Eco Accommodations

Book your place

What is Eco Hotel Summit?

Eco Hotel Summit is the biggest ever online sustainable travel event created by World of GlampingNo Footprint Consulting and Eco Resort Network/Glamping Business Magazine .

Five days of talks from over 85 industry leaders culminating in an innovative networking session on Friday 31st July.

Eco Hotel Summit is FREE TO VIEW LIVE – so make sure you register for access.

Or watch in your own time, save and use the talks as a resource – and 5% of any paid-for ticket sales will be donated to Sustainable Travel International

Learn how to get more bookings – be more sustainable and efficient – and be prepared for the future.

July 27th – 31st  (5 days). Eco Hotel Summit is a 100% online event.

All events are on UK Time Zone

Willy Legrand

Willy Legrand
July 20, 2020

Last updated on July 26, 2020