EuroCHRIE Aalborg 2021

EuroCHRIE Aalborg 2021
August 7, 2020


EuroCHRIE 2020: An Update on the COVID-19 Situation in Denmark

As we aspire to be as safe and secure as possible, we will keep you updated on the Covid-19 situation in Denmark with weekly updates. This will be based on information from the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and from The Danish Health Authority.

The conference committee remains optimistic about the current Covid-19 situation in Denmark and continues moving forward with the planning and organizing of the conference. We keep in close contact with The Danish Health Authorities and The Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The situation regarding Covid-19 in Denmark is still stable and in control. However, there have been 203 new cases the last 3 days primarily in Copenhagen and Aarhus. In Aalborg and the Northern region of Denmark there have only been approximately 20 new cases. The latest numbers also show that approximately 25 people are admitted to hospitals.

Even though the numbers seem “low” the Danish authorities act on the slight increase and take all necessary precautions to limit the numbers. One of the initiatives is the requirement of wearing face masks in public transportation during rush hour in the more dens populated areas such as Copenhagen and Aarhus.

We will get back with an update next week. Stay safe!

If you have any questions and/or concerns don’t hesitate to contact Conference Chair Birgitte Jørgensen

EuroCHRIE Aalborg 2021

EuroCHRIE Aalborg 2021
August 7, 2020

Last updated on September 4, 2020