Yasemin Oruc

Yasemin Oruc
November 4, 2022


REPORT: EuroCHRIE Apeldoorn 2022

Greetings from the Netherlands! As fall has officially arrived, there was no better place to witness the turn of the season then together with our beloved EuroCHRIE family in the beautiful town of Apeldoorn where the 38th EuroCHRIE 2022 conference was hosted 24-27 October 2022.

What a great conference it has been! First and foremost because we could welcome many delegates again in real life Thanks to the professional, inspiring, and connecting conference team, conference host Wittenborg University of Applied Science and all volunteering students and professionals going above and beyond during our time at the conference venue Aventus ROC.

The conference theme ‘Thrive on Innovation & Entrepreneurship’ resulted in an insightful program of panel sessions, research papers, poster presentations, interactive workshops, and engaging symposiums. Allow us to share some touchpoints worthwhile mentioning. From an interactive pre-conference day celebrating STR Share Center’s 10th Anniversary to insightful PhD workshops.  Starting the conference with a special opening ceremony and welcoming a panel discussion by Dutch Hospitality Schools. Connecting to the conference theme through sessions like the panel discussion on Women Entrepreneurs in Hospitality and Tourism and the symposium on Ethically Meaningful Food Experiences provided many great new insights. Insights on hospitality industry and education developments were shared through sessions like the European Hotel Industry Update and the panel discussion on Emerging Technologies & Education of Future. Stimulating the different senses and adding an element of play to innovate by workshops like Lego serious play and a tea tasting experience.

Throughout several sessions delegates were further inspired to work on their research through the Global Research Marathon in collaboration with JHTR, a JHTM Research Paper Hackathon and move forward towards publishing your great work was inspired by encouraging notes from the Meet the Journal Editors session. Next to the variety of value adding research paper presentations the conference hall boasted poster presentations the entire conference week. Did you know that all posters are available online? Take a look here and enjoy! The last day of the conference started with the AGM where the new initiative ‘EuroCHRIE Connect’ was launched by the EuroCHRIE Board of Directors. An EuroCHRIE Connect invites everyone to connect and share how you can be supporting to get more from your membership of EuroCHRIE.

Special congratulations to the award winners of EuroCHRIE 2022. Congratulations Susan Fournier with The EuroCHRIE Presidents Award. To “Can Leader Gender Role Identities Influence Employee Innovation Behavior? The Proactive Motivation Perspective” Shanshan Bao for the EuroCHRIE Research Award winner- sponsored by Institute Paul Bocuse. To “The Men Behind the Syndrome: Exploring the Managerial Role of Hotels on the Mental State of Young Male Professionals who are Experiencing the Imposter Syndrome” Veerle Rengelink. To the student team of CPH Business Academy for the EuroCHRIE University Challenge Award – delivered and sponsored by Russell Partnership Technology.

The great conference program was supported by engaging social activities, like the interesting whiskey tasting by Ben Block following the welcome- and first-time attendee’s reception. Also getting to know Apeldoorn better by having had the opportunity to meet the mayor followed by a walking and tasting tour through Apeldoorn. And of course, the traditional cherry on the cake with the Gala Dinner and Awards Night on the last day fully counted as this year’s grand finale.

We thank all delegates for being present, active, and creating the special EuroCHRIE atmosphere we always wish for. See what delegates say in some videos. We have not been able to host such a great conference without the support of our valuable sponsors: Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences, American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute, Cloudbeds, Russell Partnership Technology, STR/CoStar SHARE Center and Women In Tech Netherlands.

While we are still enjoying the post-conference experience and the leaves keep falling, we are getting ready for our next year’s EuroCHRIE 39th conference. We are excited to announce that EuroCHRIE 2023 will be taking place 3-6 October in Vienna hosted by FHWIEN der WKW . The conference theme is ‘Changing Realities. New Opportunities’, stay tuned for more to come through our conference website EuroCHRIE 2023 Vienna.

Remember that the time has come to renew your International CHRIE membership, or if you have not joined yet become a new member. This will ensure you very special registration rates for all Federation Conferences, check the options here.

Keep reliving your memories, the conference website EuroCHRIE 2022 Apeldoorn remains alive (with some great video and photo content) and stay in touch to get ready to meet in Vienna! Naturally always welcome to explore our EuroCHRIE website for further information and updates.

Yasemin Oruc
Director of Marketing

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Yasemin Oruc

Yasemin Oruc
November 4, 2022

Last updated on November 7, 2022