Peter Russell

Peter Russell
February 22, 2024


Call for 2024-25 EuroCHRIE Board Nominations

It is the time of year when the EuroCHRIE Nominating Committee is seeking nominations for the 2024/25 EuroCHRIE Board.

A Board of Directors governs EuroCHRIE. Officers are elected by members of the Federation and recommended by the Nominating Committee to stand. All terms will commence during the Annual ICHRIE Conference in Montreal at the end of July 2024.

If you would like to be nominated for these EuroCHRIE Board positions then please send an expression of interest to Peter Russell, Chair of the Nominating Committee (or fill out the form) by no later than the 12th April 2024. After this date you will be asked to send a letter of support from your institution, a photo, a bio and a platform statement to

Submit your nomination →

To stand for election you must be a paid-up member of EuroCHRIE (or the named Premium or Institutional member at your institution)

The following posts are advertised:

⭐ Vice President/President-Elect/Immediate Past President (3 year)

The VP position is a three-year commitment and is a member of the Executive Committee.

  • The elected individual would serve the first year as Vice President, the second year as EuroCHRIE President, and the third year as Immediate Past President (IPP).
  • The Vice President shall serve on the ICHRIE Strategic Planning Committee comprised of Federation Vice Presidents.
  • The Vice President will succeed the current President at the termination of the President’s term in office.
  • The Vice President shall act for the President in their absence or incapacity.
  • The IPP oversees the Nomination committee and is in charge of the Elections for the Officers and also the Awards committee.

⭐Director of Research (2 year)

The Director of Research will serve on the ICHRIE Research Committee, which will include all Federations’ Directors of Research.

  • They will work with the Conference Host’s scientific committee to ensure adequate safeguards and protocols are in place for the paper review process.
  • The Director of Research will look into developing strategies to improve the quality of hospitality and tourism research. This may include developing forums or conducting workshops at the conference to foster the research interest of members.
  • The Director of Research is a two-year position and can be re-elected for a second two-year term.

⭐ Director of Education (2 year)

The Director of Education plays a vital role in EuroCHRIE’s educational role by ensuring that EuroCHRIE conferences are tuned in to members’ aspirations in terms of theme, speakers, and paper presentations. They work with the Board of Directors to oversee the process of preparing newsworthy articles to raise the profile of the organisation and its members. They will be expected to contribute articles for the newsletter. The Director for Education will be a member of the ICHRIE Education Committee.

  • The Director of Education is a two-year position and can be re-elected for a second two-year term.

⭐ Director for Communications and Marketing

 The Director will work to ensure effective communications and a constructive relationship between I-CHRIE and EuroCHRIE, and the various officers, and members within EuroCHRIE itself.

  • The Director will ensure that EuroCHRIE’s communication goals are attained through good contact with the media, liaison with “allied” organisations and dissemination of information through the newsletter, and other media channels.
  • The Director will work with the Board of Directors to oversee the processes involved in the sponsorship and production of the newsletter.
  • The Director will oversee the website of EuroCHRIE as an effective communication tool.
  • The Director works to promote and market EuroCHRIE through “allied” organisation’s events and conferences.

Minimum Requirement for Nomination

There are minimum requirements for these positions. All candidates must have been a member of ICHRIE/EuroCHRIE for a minimum of three years for VP or Treasurer.

For Director positions, candidates must be a member of an ICHRIE/EuroCHRIE. You can download the EuroCHRIE by-laws at

Candidates will be asked to supply a letter of support from their institution of employment for a two-year commitment (or three years as a VP) to attend at least two meetings a year (Spring and Autumn).

How to Apply

What does it take to be nominated?  It’s very easy.  Any colleague who is a member of ICHRIE/EuroCHRIE can nominate you or you can self-nominate. I just need your name and a brief mention as you why you might be suitable for the position.  I’ll take your expression of interest to the committee. That group will review the nominations and, during the spring of 2024, build the election slate for 2024. So, think about these positions and either nominate yourself or ask a colleague to do it for you. It just takes a quick note. Thank you for considering this rewarding opportunity to contribute to EuroCHRIE.

Submit your nomination →

Peter Russell
EuroCHRIE, Immediate Past President
Chair of the Nominating Committee, 2023-24

Peter Russell

Peter Russell
February 22, 2024

Last updated on June 21, 2024