Heidi Anaya

Heidi Anaya
March 27, 2024


10th Annual EuroCHRIE University Challenge Comes to an Outstanding Finish!

The 10th Annual EuroCHRIE University Challenge, delivered by Russell Partnership Technology in partnership with EuroCHRIE, came to an exciting finish on March 21st.

The 17 schools competing were:

The teams, comprised of four or five students and one instructor, competed in a Simulation Challenge in two competitive sets of hotels (with one hotel operated by each school). Each week they formulated strategic plans to drive their hotels’ position in the competitive set, with a focus on Market Performance, Financial Management, Guest Satisfaction, and Associate Engagement. The winning team in each competitive set was the hotel with the best overall balanced scorecard at the end of the four-week competition. The top hotels from each competitive set were then compared against each other using a variety of metrics and a final overall winner was declared.

While competing, the students also completed their Certificate in Hospitality Business Acumen. This was delivered utilizing online learning modules and weekly web conferences.

This was a very dynamic competition with teams devising different strategies to drive their hotels forward in the competitive set. At the conclusion of the competition, it was the team from Thomas More University of Applied Sciences who were declared the winners, with second place going to the Budapest Business School.

What the teams had to say?

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Thomas More University

Thomas More Students

“Our team of five students from Thomas More University of Applied Sciences won the EuroCHRIE University Challenge 2024, a testament to our ability to apply academic knowledge in real-world hospitality and tourism challenges. Winning this competition is a milestone that we cherish deeply, but the journey was equally rewarding. Our journey to the top was fueled by hours of preparation, relentless dedication, and an unwavering belief in one another. As a team, we delved deep into our collective knowledge, drawing on concepts and theories learned in our academic courses. The competition itself was a thrilling blend of critical thinking, strategy, and creativity. This real-world application was not just a test of our understanding but a vibrant opportunity to engage with our studies in a fun, yet profoundly impactful manner.”

  • Alexander Thor Nichol
  • Alzbeta Szentandrássiová
  • Zuzana Kolesová
  • Mirjam Boruzs
  • Lucia Lukacikova
  • Instructor Lead: Liesbeth Uvin

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The Budapest Business School

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“This competition was an outstanding adventure, which, despite the fact that it passed relatively quickly, was very intriguing from the onset.

Week by week we had to make more and more pivotal decisions, which was often a challenge for us, but somehow we always managed to cope with it. The fact that we also earned first place during the competition is a gripping pride, and it definitely gave us extra motivation. To tell the truth, we were a bit disappointed about the outcome because we really wanted to win and excel in it and we were not so far from it (speaking from the second place).

Additionaly, we congratulate the winner with great respect, they did an impressive job! We would also like to highlight and congratulate how brilliant the organization was, particularly the meetings on Wednesday, they always went smoothly, there were no complications, only positive experiences.

Taking everything into consideration we are extremely glad that we were enriched with a lot of experience and knowledge, not to mention the opportunity to develop our leadership skills as we could be the general manager of our own hotel for these few weeks.

Thank you for everything, we had an exquisite time!”

  • Kasnyik Zsófia
  • Szmilek Jázmin
  • Borbély Anna
  • Kolarik Zoltán
  • Instructor Lead: Klára Karakasné Morvay

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Özyeğin University Faculty of Applied Sciences

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“Participating in the EuroCHRIE challenge provided us with a simulation environment that was true to life. As students of Özyeğin University, it provided us with a valuable opportunity to apply our classroom knowledge in a practical setting. This competition underscored a crucial lesson: the immense impact of even the smallest actions and decisions. In our pursuit of competitiveness, we devised our own formulas to craft optimal pricing strategies for our hotel. What became evident throughout the competition is that our success is intricately tied to the performance of others in the market. Therefore, thorough competitor analysis emerged as a pivotal factor for achieving success. Being part of such a comprehensive and instructive competition in 2024 was a great pleasure and honour for us. We extend our thanks to everyone involved.”

  • Yagmur Karali
  • Şevval Ayhan
  • Can Karakaşlıoğlu
  • Furkan Bireller
  • Instructor Lead: H. Kader Sanlioz Ozgen

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University College of Northern Denmark (UCN)

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“Starting the Challenge near the top 3 after the first quarter was thrilling, although keeping the spot would turn out to be a far greater challenge than anticipated. We tried a lot of calculations, discussed and re-discussed decisions multiple times, just to lose spots in the competition. However, this gave us a lot of insights, understandings, and created the foundation for an amazing learning experience through thoroughly working with the simulation program and the courses outside of it.

We, from the University College Nordjylland, have had a great experience with the EuroCHRIE Challenge.”

  • Nichlas Midholm Eriksen
  • Sille Ørris Simonsen
  • Tue Knygberg Refshauge
  • Kristina Korsgaard Vinther Wolf
  • Instructor Lead: Lone Møller Wejrum

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Vocational College of Hospitality and Tourism Maribor

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“In a display of global camaraderie and academic prowess, the EuroCHRIE Challenge recently brought together students from every corner of the world to compete in an exhilarating showcase of talent and skill. Representing their respective nations, these ambitious individuals immersed themselves in an intensive learning experience that transcended borders. Throughout the competition, participants not only honed their abilities in teamwork but also delved deep into the intricate realm of finance, gaining practical insights that are indispensable in the dynamic landscape of the business world. The culmination of this journey only marks a personal achievement for each participant.”

  • Primož Dvoršak
  • Eva Kositer
  • Maruša Verbovšek
  • Robi Golob
  • Instructor Lead: Mitja Petelin

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Al Rayyan International University College

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“Participating in the EuroCHRIE University Challenge 2024 was an enriching experience for our team. Throughout the competition, consisting of members Anuja Srivastava, Aditi Singh, Rashida Huzefa, Sana Ahmed we explored the complex realm of revenue management in the hospitality industry. Collaborating closely, we analyzed data, devised strategic pricing strategies, and navigated simulated scenarios to optimize profitability. This immersive experience not only enhanced our decision-making skills but also underscored the critical importance of revenue management in the hospitality sector. Collectively, we gained invaluable practical insights and a broader perspective on industry dynamics. Overall, the competition was a rewarding journey that significantly contributed to our professional growth and readiness for future endeavors in hospitality management.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to Dr. Girish Nair for his guidance throughout the competition and EuroCHRIE and its organizers for providing us with this remarkable opportunity. Special appreciation goes to Ms. Heidi.Anaya for her exceptional training and guidance, which played a pivotal role in our success. We are sincerely grateful for the knowledge, skills, and experiences gained through this competition, which will undoubtedly benefit us in our future careers.”

  • Aditi Singh
  • Anuja Srivastava
  • Rashida H. Bhetasiwala
  • Sana Ahmed
  • Instructor Lead: Girish Nair

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Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University

“Participating in the hotel management competition was a thrilling endeavour, fulfilling our long-held desire to delve into the intricacies of the hospitality industry. Observing diverse strategies in action was both educational and exhilarating. The experience proved enriching, offering insights into various facets of hotel operations, from accounting to human resources. Understanding departmental functions and their impact on overall hotel performance was invaluable, laying a solid foundation for future endeavours. Armed with this knowledge, we anticipate excelling in our professional roles, equipped to anticipate and navigate challenges. Overall, it was a remarkable opportunity, providing newfound skills and knowledge essential for a successful career in hotel management.”

  • Shatha Muteb Alanazi
  • Shatha Zain Zarbatan
  • Latifa Abdullah Almansour
  • Rimaz Nasser Alhuwaymil
  • Modhi abdulkarim Al-jabbab
  • Instructor Lead: Dr. Eid Alotaibi

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Modul University

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“Our experience with the EuroCHRIE 2024 challenge was incredible. We found it extremely useful to apply our theoretical knowledge from class to a real hotel simulation. Our collaborative skills reached new heights as we navigated through the intricacies of a simulated hotel environment. The challenge helped us accurately visualize how the different departments in a hotel affect each other and communicate. We expanded our knowledge of hotel financial statements and put it into practice. Although we did not win the final prize, the real prize of this competition is the experience we gained, which is priceless.”

  • Oscar Cheeley
  • Laura Melnicky
  • Hiu yan Chow (Victoria)
  • Carlotta Rennicke
  • Wanjia Tang
  • Instructor Lead: Maroun Aouad

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Stenden University South Africa

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“Being part of the simulation challenge was a great privilege for us, offering a unique opportunity to further develop our skills and knowledge in hospitality management. While it wasn’t our first simulation, the RevSim simulation stood out as the most challenging and rewarding, allowing us to put ourselves in the shoes of hotel managers and witness firsthand the impact of certain decisions have on different aspects of the hotel. Our key takeaway was the importance of staff satisfaction and staying updated with industry trends for the hotel’s success. This challenge has undoubtably developed our abilities as decision-makers and critical thinkers. Working closely as a group, we found that collaborating and brainstorming together not only added to the enjoyment but also significantly boosted our productivity, showcasing the power of teamwork in tackling complex challenges. A huge thank you to Heidi Anaya and our mentor Judy Elliot for giving us this amazing opportunity!”

  • Bianca Stoltz
  • Sinovuyo Dlepu
  • Larisha Chetty
  • Tevya Kadiki
  • Instructor Lead: Judy Elliott

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Boma International University College

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“The EuroCHRIE Revsim Competition provided invaluable benefits for us, it served as an eye-opener into the complexities of revenue management in the Industry. It offered a practical platform where theoretical knowledge meets real-world challenges, enhancing participants’ understanding of revenue optimization strategies.

The intensive competition, particularly after Quarter 3, sharpened our skills, fostering a competitive spirit and driving innovation in revenue management approaches. Additionally, the competition nurtured teamwork and critical thinking, essential for success in the hospitality industry. It’s commendable that BIHC management provided us this opportunity, as it not only prepared us for the industry but also contributed to the advancement of revenue management practices in hospitality.”

  • Moses Karanja
  • Duncan Mulei
  • Onesmus Kimathi
  • Najma Sharif
  • Instructor Lead: Gideon Okinda

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Copenhagen Business Academy

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“Participating in the EuroCHRIE University Challenge as a team from Copenhagen Business Academy was an enriching experience that provided invaluable insights into hotel management. The innovative approach of utilizing a hotel management simulation allowed us to put theoretical knowledge into practice in a digital yet realistic setting. Throughout the challenge, we encountered various scenarios that tested our decision-making skills, strategic thinking, and ability to adapt to dynamic situations. It was a rollercoaster ride of learning, growth, and development as we navigated through the complexities of running a hotel business. Of course, along the way, we faced failures and setbacks. But these moments served as valuable learning opportunities, allowing us to analyze our mistakes, refine our strategies, and ultimately emerge stronger and more resilient. Above all, what made the experience truly memorable was the sense of camaraderie within our team and the thrill of competing against other talented participants. Despite the pressure of the competition, we always found time to enjoy ourselves and celebrate our achievements together. As we reflect on our journey in the EuroCHRIE University Challenge, we are grateful for the opportunity to learn in such a dynamic and engaging manner. Best wishes from “Hotel Bellavista” Denmark!”

  • Manon Feldthus-Jørgensen
  • Markus Funch Mensa-Annan
  • Victor Martiny Waltenburg
  • Linnea Maria Juhl
  • Instructor Lead: Kasia Petersen

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Odesa National University of Technology

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“We are grateful for the opportunity to participate in the EuroCHRIE Challenge 2024, which has been a small light during the difficult times in Ukraine. This experience has given us not only knowledge but also peace in our hearts in challenging times. Thanks to the organizers and personally to Heidi Anaya, as well as to La Fondation pour la Formation Hôtelière for the great support and mentorship! Your efforts have helped us endure trials and strengthened our spirit. Our team had an incredible time participating in the competition, and we learned so much along the way.”

  • Savchenko Diana
  • Checkova Victoriia
  • Koshyj Svitlana
  • Melamed Kristina
  • Instructor Lead: Dr. Kateryna Fedosova

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Strathmore University

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“Our EuroCHRIE University Challenge 2024 experience was a thrill and a great experience. The team’s motivation and ambition were high from the moment it was formed, and as the weeks went on, it did not falter. Though we did not perform as well as we had hoped to, we learned multiple new things that have allowed us to carry on with our journeys in the hospitality industry with a lot of zeal. Throughout the course of the competition, we discussed the different areas and saw where we needed to improve and worked on it together as a team. The competition allowed us to view revenue management from a whole new light, showing us that the general management functions in a way we would never have understood without the practicality of the simulation.

Many thanks to Heidi Anaya of Russell Technologies for her guidance throughout the EuroCHRIE Challenge in running the weekly web conferences.  We offer a big thank you to Philip Okombo, the Lead Instructor of our Team Hotel Kipepeo, and the support we gained from the different individuals we consulted from different organizations.

Congratulations to the winning team and the other teams on a wonderfully engaging and close calling performance.  We are honoured to have competed with all the talent that was present.”

  • Tamara Ajwang’ Omondi
  • Emmalisa Wanja Nzaui
  • Abigail Wairimu Waweru
  • Nicole Akoth Okech
  • Instructor Lead: Philip Okombo

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FHWien der WKW

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“Participating in the EuroCHRIE Challenge 2024 was a valuable journey for our team. It provided us with an opportunity to apply our theoretical knowledge to real-world hotel management scenarios. Successfully addressing the challenges of reviving an underperforming hotel tested our decision-making skills and teamwork. Our second place finish among prestigious hotel schools highlighted our dedication and effort. We are grateful for the support that contributed to our achievement. This experience was both rewarding and educational, leaving us with valuable skills and cherished memories. Thank you for this unforgettable opportunity!”

  • Stella Hribernik
  • Nadine Haider
  • Sabine Müller
  • Isabelle Kronberge
  • Instructor Lead: Florian Aubke

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École Hôtelière de Lausanne

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“We participated in the EuroCHRIE Challenge representing team EHL for the first time in 2024. We would like to thank Heidi & the team for the unique experience. We really enjoyed getting to meet students from various universities around the world, and to be involved in a simulation that was challenging & realistic. As a team we learnt a lot about reading data to take good RM decisions. We also learnt a lot about market dynamics in the performance of a hotel. It was a great opportunity to expand our RM skillset!”

  • Leo Pretre
  • Adrian Fazliaj
  • Natalia Burgess
  • Yu-Hsuan Chen
  • Qiaoye Han
  • Instructor Lead: Kassem Jouni

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Hotel Management School Maastricht

  • Roos Gerbers
  • Enora Lucas
  • Wessel Roodenburg
  • Eva van Vliet
  • Instructor Lead: Luc Houben

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Hotel Management School NHL Stenden

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“After strategizing, analysing, and a lot of fun meetings with our group, we ended up on the third place in our competition set. We are incredibly grateful for contributing to the EuroCHRIE competition. We would like to thank our amazing and always caring coach, Joke Tasma. She was always there for us, and she always made us feel proud of our accomplishments. Furthermore, we would like to thank Heidi Anaya, who guided us through every step with the clear and fun presentations. Next to an educational journey, we have also gathered valuable friends.”

  • Merel Buter
  • Pavel Simeonov
  • Annelies Sijtsma
  • Ilse Gerding
  • Instructor Lead: Joke Tasma

The Wrap-Up

This year’s EuroCHRIE Challenge involved 73 students representing schools from 13 different countries – and 24 different countries of birth! The commitment and focus each of the students displayed in meeting deadlines and actively participating during the weekly web conferences was outstanding.

Sincere congratulations to all involved! Russell Partnership Technology will be delighted to honour the top two teams at the EuroCHRIE Conference in Doha in November.

Heidi Anaya
Head of Education – Russell Partnership Technology

Heidi Anaya

Heidi Anaya
March 27, 2024

Last updated on April 29, 2024