About the publisher
International CHRIE
International CHRIE (ICHRIE), a non-profit professional association, provides programs and services to continually improve the quality of global education, research, service and business operations in the hospitality and tourism industry. ICHRIE, an inclusive, collegial association, values creative, ethical and progressive action and improvement of global hospitality and tourism education and research.
HOSTEUR™ is the only internationally distributed career and self-development magazine for future hospitality and tourism professionals.
It aims to prepare the more than 60,000 students enrolled in hospitality and tourism education programs at International CHRIE member schools for careers in the industry. The objective of HOSTEUR™ is to ease student transition from undergraduate education to graduate- or study-abroad programs, professional life with restaurants and foodservice management, hotels and lodging; travel-related businesses; food & beverage suppliers; equipment manufacturers; trade and professional associations; and commodity groups.
International CHRIE created the word HOSTEUR™ to describe future hospitality and tourism professionals. The first syllable, “HOST,” resonates the common mission and heritage of hospitality–serving the guest. The second syllable, “-EUR,” denotes an international identity which captures the essence of the hospitality industry.
Published twice annually, HOSTEUR™ is used as a classroom and training resource by many educators and industry professionals who are anxious to integrate academic theory and pragmatic experience for the workforce of tomorrow.
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Just think…..you’re burning the midnight oil, trying to finish a brilliant paper for class. You remember an article you read in HOSTEUR™ webzine that would add the perfect finishing touch. Do you have to tear your room apart to find your copy? NO! Thanks to the wonderful world of technology, HOSTEUR™ is just a mouse click away.
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Now you can read HOSTEUR™ whenever you want. Its online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. That means that it’s ready when you are, whenever that happens to be.