EuroCHRIE is part of an international network that fosters the general advancement of teaching, learning, research and practice in the field of hospitality, tourism and event management. The EuroCHRIE Board represents its member’s interests on a Federation wide basis and provides leadership for human resource development through teaching, learning, research and industry practices that are complementary to occupational standards in the industry.

Executive Committee

Our Team 9

Florian Aubke

EuroCHRIE President

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Our Team 10

Yasemin Oruc

EuroCHRIE Vice-President

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Our Team 11

Steven Rhoden

Immediate Past President

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Our Team 12

Anne Conneally


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Our Team 13

Ivan Ninov


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Board of Directors

Our Team 14

Frederic Bouchon

Director of Conferences & Networking

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Our Team 15

Amanda Miller

Director of Education

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Our Team 16

Heidi Anaya

Director of Industry Services (Interim)

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Our Team 17

Cindy Heo

Director of Research

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Our Team 18

Kateryna Fedosova

Director of Marketing & Communications

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Our Team 16

Heidi Anaya

Director of Membership

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Our Team 20

Ed Kastli

Director at Large

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Our Team 21

Paul Jackson

Federation Administrator

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Area Consultants

Our Team 22

Perunjodi Naidoo

Area Consultant (East Africa)

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Our Team 23

Hema Kesa

Area Consultant (South Africa)

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Our Team 24

Emmanuel Gamor

Area Consultant (West Africa)

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Our Team 25

Linas Pucinskas

Area Consultant (Baltics & CIS)

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Our Team 13

Ivan Ninov

Area Consultant (Middle-East)

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Our Team 27

Larissa Neuburger

Area Consultant (Austria)

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Our Team 28

Pasi Tuominen

Area Consultant (Finland)

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Our Team 29

Dr. Ksenia Kirillova

Area Consultant (France)

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Our Team 30

Klára Morvay Karakas

Area Consultant (Hungary & Eastern Europe)

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Our Team 31

Malu Boerwinkel

Area Consultant (Benelux)

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Our Team 32

Ralf Burbach

Area Consultant (Ireland)

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Our Team 33

Prof. Dr. Olgun Cicek

Area Consultant (Mediterranean Basin)

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Our Team 34

Henrik Scander

Area Consultant (Sweden)

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Our Team 35

Dr. Barbara Czyzewska

Area Consultant (Switzerland)

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Our Team 36

H. Kader Şanlıöz-Özgen

Area Consultant (Türkiye)

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Our Team 37

Ariane Lengyel

Area Consultant (UK)

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Our Team 38

Dr. Tracy Xu

Advisor for Graduate Research

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International CHRIE

Our Team 39

Perry Hobson

ICHRIE Vice President

Our Team 40

Chrystel Masdupuy

Immediate Past ICHRIE President

Past Presidents


Our Team 11

Steven Rhoden

EuroCHRIE Past President (2023-24)

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Our Team 42

Peter Russell

EuroCHRIE Past President (2022-23)

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Our Team 43

Henri Kuokkanen

EuroCHRIE Past President (2021-22)

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Our Team 44

Xander Lub

EuroCHRIE Past President (2020-21)

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Our Team 40

Chrystel Masdupuy

EuroCHRIE Past President (2019-20)

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Our Team 32

Ralf Burbach

EuroCHRIE Past President (2018-19)

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  • 2017-18: Anders-Justenlund
  • 2016-17: Dr. John Fong
  • 2015-16: Kevin Nield
  • 2014-15: Jan W Meijerhof
  • 2013-14: Richard Ginioux
  • 2012-13: Maureen Brookes
  • 2011-12: Robert F. Wetterauer
  • 2010-11: Jouni Ahonen
  • 2009-10: Dr Olgun Cicek
  • 2008-09: Eleonore Vial
  • 2007-08: Ron Carpenter
  • 2006-07: Teoman Alemdar
  • 2005-06: Antoinette Klute-Wetterauer
  • 2004-05: Marianna Sigala
  • 2003-04: Herve Fournier
  • 2002-03: Evangelos Christou
  • 2001-02: Rai Shacklock
  • 2000-01: Deane Ford
  • 1999-00: Tom Baum
  • 1998-99: Joe Hegarty
  • 1997-98: Christina Isacson
  • 1995-97: Sybil Hofmann
  • 1994-95: Tommy Andersson
  • 1993-94: Gilles Honegger
  • 1992-93: Peter Jones

Honourary Members

Our Team 47

Othmar Mueller

EuroCHRIE Honorary Member

Honorary Member
Our Team 48

Otmar Sorgenfrei

EuroCHRIE Honorary Member

Honorary Member
Our Team 49

Gilles Honegger

EuroCHRIE Honorary Member

Honorary Member
Our Team 50

Rai Shacklock

EuroCHRIE Honorary Member

Honorary Member

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