Chrystel Masdupuy appointed Vice President of ICHRIE
As International CHRIE continues to celebrate its 75th Anniversary, we celebrate the past with continued leadership who support and steer ICHRIE into a welcoming future. We welcomed 2022 by holding our annual election and held an additional special election for Vice President, due to a tie in the original election.
We are honored to announce and CONGRATULATE our newly elected ICHRIE officers! Here are your newly elected leadership who will join those already in active elected roles:
Vice President
Chrystel Masdupuy
Institut Paul Bocuse
Dr. Lisa Slevitch
Oklahoma State University
Director of Member Services and Development
Dr. Priyanko Guchait
University of Houston
Director of Research
Dr. Seung Hyun (Jenna) Lee
Eastern Carolina University
THANK YOU to all the members who voted during our 2022 elections.
THANK YOU to everyone who was nominated and ran for ICHRIE leadership positions. Your willingness to provide your time and expertise to ICHRIE is respected and greatly appreciated.
THANK YOU to those elected by ICHRIE membership for your willingness to accept a leadership role in our organization. Your commitment and dedication to ICHRIE is greatly appreciated! We look forward to a great 2022!