#EuroCHRIEVirtual - Call for Structured Abstracts (Research Track)
The impact of technology is omnipresent in the tourism, hospitality and events industries. Its ever-increasing development pace offers a constant stream of new opportunities.
Simultaneously, this calls for continuous change that can be extremely hard for industries already strained to the limit with the global pandemic. How can we find a balance that produces benefits without further complications?
We welcome empirical and conceptual research that is relevant to practical issues such as (not limited to):
- How does digital transformation impact the industry? E.g., what kind of strategic consequences can be foreseen for business models and the structure of organizations? How will operations, talent management, marketing and finance change?
- What will be the relationship between AI and the industry?
- How will new technology link with social and environmental sustainability?
- Are there crucial technologies or aspects of technological development that the industry is missing? How do new technologies assist or transform research? What are the new avenues they open?
- How does technology help our industry to combat COVID-19, and particularly detect and respond to the future trends set in motion or reinforced by the pandemic?
- What kind of opportunities do big data, biometric research tools, AR/VR and other new methods and software make available for us?
The purpose of the research track is to create a number of small (3-5 person) moderated discussion and brainstorming groups around key themes related to technology in our industry. The final groups and themes with be based on submission topics.
- Interested authors are asked to submit a one-page structured abstract to join the discussion.
The submission will not go through a traditional peer-review process, but submission suitability will be evaluated against the following criteria:
- Connection of the topic with the theme of technology in hospitality, tourism and events.
- Empirical articles: scientific merit (e.g., research design, sample, analyses, preliminary results)
- Theoretical or conceptual articles: novelty and appropriateness of the theoretical development, or the identification of a novel area for conceptual development or application and the quality of the ideas and operationalization.
The one-page structured abstract should consist of:
- Name
- Email address
- Institution
- Purpose
- Design or Approach
- Findings (Empirical Findings or Conceptual Arguments)
- Originality
- Theoretical Implications
- Practical Implications
Please send your abstract, or any questions to:
- Jean-Pierre van der Rest – j.i.van.der.rest@law.leidenuniv.nl
- Henri Kuokkanen – henri.kuokkanen@institutpaulbocuse.com
The abstracts, whether empirical or conceptual, should not have been previously published.
The deadline for submission is February 21, 2021.