EuroCHRIE 2020: Online Conference Registration – NOW AVAILABLE!
- Full access to; selected paper presentations, all online presentations, keynotes and awards (on-site)
- Full access to present your paper online to other online delegates
- One individual login to all online/virtual elements
- Certificate of online participation (online presenters will also receive an additional presenter-certificate)
- Online/Virtual workshop
The theme for the EuroCHRIE2020 conference symbolises the unexploited potential that the hospitality and tourism industy has. The theme relates to the aim of EuroCHRIE in many aspects: it invites delegates to explore our expanding base of member countries, to find new collaborations, and to explore new ideas and perspectives through a broad range of content topics.

EuroCHRIE2020 takes place in Aalborg, Denmark in the Comwell ‘Hvide Hus’ Hotel from the 5th-8th of October 2020.
We aim to inspire delegates to explore a different take on hospitality, innovation between academics and industry, new methodologies for doing research, and new research topics. Moreover, we invite delegates to build bridges, and start developing, or strengthening international collaboration in the EuroCHRIE family.
The hospitality industry is increasingly rich in contexts and perspectives. Therefore, we offer different tracks that touch on different research aspects within the hospitality and tourism industry – all related to creating new and unexplored areas across continents.
As the theme is focusing on the innovative aspect of hospitality and tourism and given the current circumstances and uncertanty related to Covid-19, we aim to set a new standard of presentations and workshops in order to increase future collaboration between academics and industry, beside the traditional paper presentations. This includes a feature appearing for the first time in the history of EUROCHRIE – the opportunity for online participation acknowledged as official attendance. Those attending online will benefit not only from presenting their paper, but also be able to take part in selected paper and all online presentations, keynotes and the awards ceremony.
Being part of this experience online will provide all participants with full credentials and a conference attendance & presenter certification.