Mats Carlbäck 9

Mats Carlbäck

Director of Education

Mats Carlbäck, PhD, holds a PhD in Business Administration from School of Business, Economics and Law from the University of Gothenburg, Sweden.

Mats Carlbäck, PhD, holds a PhD in Business Administration from School of Business, Economics and Law from the University of Gothenburg, Sweden.

Mats is an assistant professor at the School of Culinary Art, Meal Science and Hospitality at Örebro University in his native Sweden. Next to his appointment at Örebro University, he is an associate professor of applied science at Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences in Apeldoorn, the Netherlands.

Before his academic career Mats held managerial roles in Sweden, the UK and several other countries and owned and managed several businesses within the hospitality industry.

With a dedicated research focus on measuring the unmeasurable and make this understandable and applicable, Mats is teaching and researching within human resources, managerial accounting, finance, entrepreneurship, business development and strategic development in a hospitality or sport business context.

The measuring initiative also includes the educational sector, where Mats is both researching possible developments as well as creating new educational programs, courses, and concepts – often in collaboration with the industry.

Mats has for many years been an active member in the EuroCHRIE-family, as an area consultant for Sweden and since 2020 as Director of Education.

He has published in several prominent journals, published three books, presented at conferences all over the world and has received awards for his ground-breaking research.

Mats Carlbäck

Assistant Professor
Örebro University
Örebro, Sweden

+46 (0) 70 009 1457

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