Mike James

Mike James
January 8, 2021


Blu Learning Ltd are making their simulations FREE during the current pandemic

During the current pandemic emergency, while many schools and companies have to move to online teaching and training, we are making access to our Revenue Management and Menu Engineering simulations FREE of charge until the end of the current academic year in June 2021.

These simulations are short exercises each student or trainee can play individually to help reinforce learning in these subjects. 

Each of the simulations has an online user manual and an introductory video so getting started and understanding the exercises is easy.

Students and trainees can see their own results history and we can set up a group results page if you want your classes to compare their performance.

Try for FREE at blulearn.com

An introductory video on the Revenue Management Simulation

An introduction to the Menu Engineering Simulation

If you have never used a business simulation before, or even if you have, try out these exercises to support your online teaching.

For more information contact us via https://blulearn.com

Visit blulearn.com

*Access to both simulations will be free of charge until June 30 2021

BLU Learning Ltd,
71-75 Shelton Street,
Covent Garden,
London. WC2H 9JQ


Mike James

Mike James
January 8, 2021

Last updated on February 19, 2021