Kateryna Fedosova
Director of Marketing & Communications
Kateryna Fedosova, PhD, is an Associate Professor at Odesa National University of Technology, specializing in Restaurant Business. She is the Head of restaurant consulting group with over 10 years of experience in developing and promoting restaurants.
Kateryna Fedosova, PhD, is an Associate Professor at Odesa National University of Technology, specializing in Restaurant Business. She is the Head of restaurant consulting group with over 10 years of experience in developing and promoting restaurants. She lectures on various courses and supervises students' projects (Culinary Arts, Technology of Catering Products, F&B Operations, etc). Dr. Fedosova actively participates in international conferences, conducts seminars, is a member of the Southern Association of UA Chefs, EuroCHRIE, La Foundation pour la Formation Hoteliere and others. Currently residing in Valencia due to the war in Ukraine and also is a guest lecturer at SRH Dresden School of Management.
Kateryna Fedosova
Associate Professor
Odesa National University of Technology
Odesa, Ukraine
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