EuroCHRIE Team

EuroCHRIE Team
August 20, 2021


Long-time EuroCHRIE Supporter, Daniel Gutzwiller has passed away

Sad news from Switzerland…

Daniel Gutzwiller, former Director of the University Center Cesar Ritz in Brig passed away. He was a long-time supporter of EuroCHRIE, starting in 2001 while hosting the EuroCHRIE Conference that year. In the following years, he attended the conferences on a regular basis.

He was highly respected by the students and faculty members for the care and hospitality he provided while expertly managing the Cesar Ritz Brig campus. After leaving Cesar Ritz he worked for the State of Valais managing a structure hosting refugees who were provided training in order to ease their integration in society in Switzerland.

He will be missed. Our heartfelt condolences to his wife Yvonne and son Nicolas.

EuroCHRIE Team

EuroCHRIE Team
August 20, 2021

Last updated on October 12, 2021