Ralf Burbach

Ralf Burbach
December 12, 2019


Call for Book Chapters (An Emerald Book Series on Talent Management)

The book will be published as part of the Emerald book series on Talent Management

We are delighted to announce a call for chapters in an edited book on Talent Management Innovations in the International Hospitality Industry, which will be published as part of the Emerald book series on talent management.

The book is co-edited by Dr Ralf Burbach, Dr Stefan Jooss (stefan.jooss@ucc.ie) and Prof Huub Ruël (h.ruel@hotelschool.nl)

About the Book Series

What’s the Aim?

The book editors aim to bring together a set of high-quality chapters that present cutting edge empirical research, new conceptualizations, and evidence-based and innovative approaches and viewpoints to talent management in the international hospitality industry. Thus, the book editors invite chapter manuscripts that present:
  • conceptual contributions
  • empirical scholarly contributions
  • contributions presenting the views of practioners

The Background

Talent management challenges in the international hospitality industry By 2030 the number of international tourist arrivals will exceed the 1.8 billion bar and the industry will provide more than 380 million jobs. However, the current size of the industry as well as its projected growth pose a number of challenges. Perhaps one of the key challenges is the shortage of talent and one of the key questions therefore is: how can the international hospitality industry attract and retain the talent that is needed to sustain its growth and to ensure the industry can meet the needs of its customers now and in the future? The answer is talent management. However, this is particularly challenging in the hospitality industry due to its high labour turnover rates, a relatively poor image of the sector for employment and the ongoing search for solutions to talent shortages. In many countries and regions, the hospitality industry is associated with a low status and below-average pay, long working hours, a poor work-life balance and limited career prospects. Undoubtedly, there are many hospitality businesses that do not fit this image and that aim to be employers of choice. Nevertheless, most hospitality businesses continue to struggle to attract and retain key talent in their organisations.

A Need for Talent Management Innovations

In order to be able to attract and retain qualified talent, the international hospitality industry needs to develop innovative talent management strategies, practices, tools, technologies and policies. In other words, organizations ought to explore and test novel conceptualizations, ways and approaches to talent identification, attraction, retention and deployment. While the body of knowledge of talent management is expanding rapidly, limited evidence is available in the hospitality sector, which is evidently and crucially important to the world economy.

Key questions that we hope this book will explore include, but are not limited to:

  • How can we conceptualise and theorise innovation in talent management in the hospitality industry? What theories can be applied to talent management innovations in the international hospitality industry?
  • How can talent management be innovated to improve talent attraction and retention in the international hospitality industry?
  • What are the potential effects of talent management innovations in the international hospitality industry?
  • How do international hospitality businesses develop, adopt and implement talent management innovations? What factors mediate the successful implementation of talent management innovations in the international hospitality industry, e.g. culture, national business systems, institutions, dominance effects?
  • What are particularly innovative talent management practices that can be utilized by small and medium hospitality enterprises (SMHE) or small independent franchisees of international hospitality brands?
  • What are the differences between talent management innovations in SMHEs vis-à-vis multinational hospitality corporations (MNHCs)? Which theories can be utilized to explain differences and similarities?
  • How do MNHCs implement and adopt talent management innovations? Which theories can be utilized to understand and explain talent management innovation success and failure?
  • How can innovations in talent management serve international hospitality businesses in developing and emerging tourist destinations to attract, develop, and retain local talent?
  • What is the role of expatriates in talent management innovation in the international hospitality industry?
  • How can technology by employed to innovate talent management practices?What role does technology play in talent management innovation?

This Book Envisions Three Parts

Part 1: Conceptualising and theorsing Talent Management Innovations in the international hospitality industry

We envision 3-5 chapters that focus on the development of new conceptual frameworks and theory on talent management innovation in the international hospitality industry

Part 2: Empirical/evidence based contributions of talent management innovations in the international hospitality industry

We envision 5-10 chapters that present empirical/evidence-based work on talent management innovations in the international hospitality industry.

Part 3: Reflections on the future of Talent Management Innovations in the international hospitality industry

We envision 3 chapters in this part, consisting of a reflection on talent management innovations in the international hospitality industry by hospitality business leaders, an outlook on the future of talent management and a reflection by the book editors.

Submission Details & Key Dates:

15 January 2020
Extended abstract submissions deadline
(max. 1,500 words including references)

15 March 2020
Full chapter submissions deadline
(8,000-10,000 words including references)

15 May 2020
Revised submissions deadline

If you have any questions about a potential submission, please contact any one of the book editors.

Call for Chapters
Ralf Burbach

Ralf Burbach
December 12, 2019

Last updated on December 15, 2019