Faizan Ali
Dr. Faizan Ali is an Assistant Professor in the School of Hospitality and Technology Management, Muma College of Business, University of South Florida. He received his Ph.D. in Marketing from the International Business School, University Technology Malaysia and a Master’s in Management from Glyndwr University, United Kingdom.
Dr. Faizan Ali is an Assistant Professor in the School of Hospitality and Technology Management, Muma College of Business, University of South Florida. He received his Ph.D. in Marketing from the International Business School, University Technology Malaysia and a Master’s in Management from Glyndwr University, United Kingdom. Dr. Ali has also authored more than 100 international refereed journal articles and international conference papers. His recent research has been accepted and published in internationally refereed top tier hospitality, tourism and services related journals. Dr. Ali is recipient of numerous research awards and is an active member of academic hospitality associations. Currently, he serves on the editorial boards of numerous journals. He is currently the President for Southeast, Central and South American Federation of CHRIE. He also serves as the Assistant Editor for International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology and Coordinating Editor for International Journal of Hospitality Management. Dr. Ali is a trained expert and sought-after speaker around the globe. He also manages a dedicated YouTube Channel “ResearchBeast” to discuss issues related to research and researchers. Recently, he was included in the Stanford University’s list of Top 2% Scientists of the World for the year 2019.
Faizan Ali
Assistant Professor
University of South Florida
Florida, United States
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