EuroCHRIE Team

EuroCHRIE Team
February 22, 2024


Registration for the 2024 ICHRIE Global Conference is now OPEN!

Have you registered for the 2024 ICHRIE Global Conference?

Be sure to mark your calendars for Wednesday, 15 May 2024 – that’s when the Early Bird rate ends. You don’t want to miss your chance at the lowest conference rate we offer.

For 2024, we are pleased to offer two (2) additional full conference registration options for our community colleges + vocational/technical schools, and local educators in Canada. As a bonus, local Canadian educators who are experiencing the ICHRIE Global Conference for the first time will receive complimentary membership to ICHRIE for the remainder of 2024!

As the planning continues, we are working closely with our host school in Montreal, Institut de tourisme et d’hôtellerie du Québec (ITHQ). So many new and innovative ideas are being considered through this wonderful collaboration. We can’t wait to tell you about it! Stay tuned for more information!

Register TODAY →

EuroCHRIE Team

EuroCHRIE Team
February 22, 2024

Last updated on August 5, 2024