Day Two

Day Two

Wednesday, 26th October 2022

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Check room/venue

Delegates Registration

08.00-09.00 | Welcome

Reception | Aventus Building

Posters / Sponsors

All-day | Hall

Aventus Main Hall

Bus to City Hall, Apeldoorn

17.45-18.00 | Bus


Mayor's Welcome Reception

18.00-18.45 | Town Hall

The Mayor of Apeldoorn, Ton Heerts, will meet the conference delegates at Town Hall through providing them with a brief presentation about Apeldoorn as well as wishing them a fruitful conference.

View details →

Town Hall

Restaurants (Bistro Meester & De Pastazaak)

18.45-22.00 | Various

Delegates will enjoy “The Taste of Apeldoorn” event which will include the local and international cuisines, as well as a wine selection.

View details →


Hotel bus drop-off

22.00-22.30 | Bus

Bus (Affiliated hotels only)


Hotel bus pick-up

08.00-08.30 | Bus

Emerging Technologies & Education of Future

09.00-10.30 | Panel

Don’t miss the chance to participate in the Plenary Panel 'Emerging Technologies & Education of Future'. Cara Antoine, Lieke Lamb, Diane Janknegt, and Laura Nuhaan will be the panel’s leaders on this women-only panel.

View details →



10.30-11.00 | Break

Aventus Main Hall

2022 CHRIE Global Research Marathon in collaboration with JHTR

11.00-12.30 | Workshop

Part 1

Prof. Danny Han (Zuyd University of Applied Sciences)



12.30-14.00 | Lunch

Aventus Main Hall

2022 CHRIE Global Research Marathon in collaboration with JHTR

14.00-15.30 | Workshop

Part 2

Prof. Danny Han (Zuyd University of Applied Sciences)



15.30-16.00 | Break

Aventus Main Hall

Talent Management Innovations in the Hospitality Industry

16.00-17.30 | Roundtable

Malu Boerwinkel (Hotel Management School Ralf Burbach (Technological University Dublin)


Walking & Tasting Apeldoorn: Wine & Spice Tour

18.45-22.00 | Various


Room 1


Guest Expectations vs. Reality

11.00-12.30 | Workshop

Ms. Tania Sidokpohou (Cloudbeds)

Room 1

Hospitality Research and Public Policy: Two Worlds Apart? Or Perhaps not?

14.00-15.30 | Roundtable

Prof. Alexandros Paraskevas (University of West London)

Room 1

The Smart Hospitality Wheel; A practical tool to create smart hospitality concepts

16.00-17.30 | Workshop

Nicolette Bolte (Saxion University of Applied Sciences)

Room 1

Room 2


An exploration of the relevance of Hofstede's cultural dimensions in teaching Generation Z hospitality students

11.00-11.30 | Paper

Christine Barnes (Swiss Hotel Management School)

Room 2 | Moderator: Marianna Sigala

Inside gendering black box: Comparative analysis of gender ideologies in the hospitality industry

11.30-12.00 | Paper

Seyhmus Baloglu (UNLV)

Room 2 | Moderator: Marianna Sigala

Cultural-Stereotyping Mindset of Western Marketers: The Vietnamese Assessment of Marketing Practices with Stereotypes of their National Cuisine

12.00-12.30 | Paper

Tue Puong Nghi Luong, Vanessa de Oliveira Menezes, Myra Qiu and Emmah Muchoki (Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences)

Room 2 | Moderator: Marianna Sigala

Exercising the Role of Host in Commercial Hospitality: A Conceptual Model

14.00-14.30 | Paper

Henrik Vejlgaard (Copenhagen Business Academy)

Room 2 | Moderator: Anita Manfreda

How do students experience the use of research-based teaching?

14.30-15.00 | Paper

Dorthe Simonsen (UCL Erhvervsakademi & Professionshøjskole) & Allan Lindgaard Winther (UCL University College)

Room 2 | Moderator: Anita Manfreda

Sustainability aspects and health/well-being measures in the student population: the BUas Prospective Cohort Study

15.00-15.30 | Paper

Yoy Bergs (Breda University of Applied Sciences) & Jelmer Weijschede (Breda University of Applied Sciences)

Room 2 | Moderator: Anita Manfreda

Sustainability and Innovation SIG Meeting

16.00-17.00 | Meeting

Prof. Dr. Willy Legrand (IU International University of Applied Sciences, Germany)

Room 2

Room 3


Has COVID-19 Changed Consumers’ Dine-In Restaurant Choice Criteria?

11.00-11.30 | Paper

Ya-Ling Chen (The State University of New York at Brockport)

Room 3 | Moderator: Sumeetra Ramakrishnan

How employees in the tourism industry experienced the COVID-19 pandemic and what made them resilient - implications for human resources management

11.30-12.00 | Paper

Celine Chang & Katrin Eberhardt (Munich University of Applied Sciences)

Room 3 | Moderator: Sumeetra Ramakrishnan

Tea and the Senses

12.00-12.30 | Paper

Lysbeth Vink (Hotelschool The Hague)

Room 3 | Moderator: Sumeetra Ramakrishnan

Brave New Work: A systematic literature review on digital transformation skills for sustainable hospitality employment

14.00-14.30 | Paper

Xander Lub (HU University of Applied Sciences) & Marissa Orlowski (MV Hospitality Solutions)

Room 3 | Moderator: Xuan Lorna Wang

Guest Satisfaction in Chain-Affiliated Hotels: The Performance Implications of Chain, Owner and Third-party Management Structures

14.30-15.00 | Paper

Demian Hodari (EHL Hospitality Business School / HES-SO University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland)

Room 3 | Moderator: Xuan Lorna Wang

A Comparison of Self-Service Technologies (SST) in the Restaurant Industry

15.00-15.30 | Paper

Kevin Murphy (Rosen College of Hospitality Management)

Room 3 | Moderator: Xuan Lorna Wang

European Hotel Industry Update

Steve Hood (STR/CoStar SHARE Center)

Financial Management, Economics and Data Analytics SIG Meeting

16.00-17.30 | Workshop

Room 3

Room 4


Navigating our multiple identities in a dynamic and turbulent hospitality industry: a LEGO® Serious Play workshop

11.00-12.30 | Workshop

Yoy Bergs (Breda University of Applied Sciences), Jelmer Weijschede (Breda University of Applied Sciences), & Geoff Maree (Hotel Management School Maastricht)

Reserve a place →

Room 4

Can gamification induce a sustainable habit in tourists?

14.00-14.30 | Paper

Carmen Lidia Aguiar-Castillo (IDeTIC-Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria)

Room 4 | Moderator: Linchi Kwok

Green Experience Economy: The Power of Events in the Green Transition. The case of The Ocean Race Stopover Aarhus, Denmark

14.30-15.00 | Paper

Palle Nørgaard (Business Academy Aarhus) Rasmus Hørsted amp; Jensen (Worldperfect)

Room 4 | Moderator: Linchi Kwok

Adaptive Management for Wildlife Ecosystem Conservation by Ol Pejeta Conservancy, Laikipia Kenya

15.00-15.30 | Paper

Emmah Muchoki, Myra Qiu & Vanessa de Oliveira Menezes (Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences)

Room 4 | Moderator: Linchi Kwok

Framework for constructing micro-courses in higher education

16.00-16.30 | Paper

Magnus Hultberg (Business Academy Aarhus)

Room 4 | Moderator: Charalampos Giousmpasoglou

Identifying Current and Future Competence Needs in the Finnish Tourism and Hospitality Industry

16.30-17.00 | Paper

Eeva Puhakainen (Haaga-Helia UAS)

Room 4 | Moderator: Charalampos Giousmpasoglou

Gadgets without Pedagogy? Conceptualizing an Immersive Learning Experience Framework for Hospitality Education

17.00-17.30 | Paper

Dai-In Danny Han (Zuyd University of Applied Sciences), Henri Kuokkanen (Institut Paul Bocuse) & Pasi Tuominen Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences

Nominated for Best Paper
Room 4 | Moderator: Charalampos Giousmpasoglou

Room 5


Navigating our multiple identities in a dynamic and turbulent hospitality industry: a LEGO® Serious Play workshop

11.00-12.30 | Workshop

Yoy Bergs (Breda University of Applied Sciences), Jelmer Weijschede (Breda University of Applied Sciences), & Geoff Maree (Hotel Management School Maastricht)

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Room 5

Managing emergent tourist destinations: The Geldingadalur volcanic eruption in Iceland

14.00-14.30 | Paper

Tracy Michaud (University of Southern Maine)

Room 5 | Moderator: Ruth Pijls

The emergence of Ghost Kitchens in the restaurant industry: Operational and labour perspectives

14.30-15.00 | Paper

Charalampos Giousmpasoglou (Bournemouth University)

Room 5 | Moderator: Ruth Pijls

The Influence of Medical Tourism Experience on Destination Choice Factors

15.00-15.30 | Paper

Radesh Palakurthi (University of Memphis)

Room 5 | Moderator: Ruth Pijls

Real vs. Virtual: comparing emotional experiences in a dark ride attraction and its digital twin

16.00-16.30 | Paper

Wim Strijbosch (Breda University of Applied Sciences)

Room 5 | Moderator: Bastienne Bernasco

The role of technology in robotized service from employee perspective: a systematic literature review

16.30-17.00 | Paper

Evelina Gillard (Cèsar Ritz Colleges)

Room 5 | Moderator: Bastienne Bernasco

Food Tourism: Cases from the Food Tourism Providers’ Perspective

17.00-17.30 | Paper

Detta Melia (Technological University Dublin Ireland)

Room 5 | Moderator: Bastienne Bernasco

Room 6


Navigating our multiple identities in a dynamic and turbulent hospitality industry: a LEGO® Serious Play workshop

11.00-12.30 | Workshop

Yoy Bergs (Breda University of Applied Sciences), Jelmer Weijschede (Breda University of Applied Sciences), & Geoff Maree (Hotel Management School Maastricht)

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Room 6

Rethinking consumer agency in tourism

14.00-14.30 | Paper

Ksenia Kirillova (Institut Paul Bocuse)

Room 6 | Moderator: Clare Hindley

Analysis of Pakistan’s Destination Attributes and their effects on International Tourists’ Intentions to Visit Pakistan

14.30-15.00 | Paper

Abdul Rauf (Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences)

Room 6 | Moderator: Clare Hindley

How hoteliers promote sustainable marketing on Instagram?

15.00-15.30 | Paper

Da Chian Hu (Shih Chien University)

Room 6 | Moderator: Clare Hindley
