Paper & Poster Statistics

September 9, 2022

Since last April the Scientific Committee has been working hard to review 102 manuscripts for EuroCHRIE 2022. We received 72 papers, 28 posters and 2 presentations for the lecturers lounge. They addressed different topics including customer behavior, competitive pricing, metaverse, education, and development. After the review round, all the authors received feedback, and the majority of them are ready to join us in Apeldoorn.

All the EuroCHRIE 2022 papers and posters will be released in an online proceeding. The document will provide only an abstract, so it will not interfere if you intend to submit your research in a journal or any other media. We will not publish any special edition since many of the researchers intend to submit their paper to specific journals after the presentations, following the EuroCHRIE 2022 audience’s feedback. The paper presentations are an opportunity to receive feedback and add input to your research.

However, during EuroCHRIE 2022 we will offer a Symposium where the main journal editors will be together discussing their experiences, expectations and it could be a great opportunity to receive insights into your further steps.

If you have further questions, it will be a pleasure to help you.

In an exciting additional format, EuroCHRIE 2022 is piloting posters as presentation documents on the conference website. After the conference, they can be accessed as a resource on the EuroCHRIE website. As many of you know when it comes to poster presentations they are normally posted on a wall and displayed for an hour or so and the author (s) can stand there and answer questions. That is the normal process. However, by using this new method, the posters will be able to be seen not only physically at the conference but also virtually. This will give delegates the opportunity to browse the posters in more detail during and after the conference.

Presenters will also be given the opportunity to prepare a short video. This video must be uploaded to YouTube and then EuroCHRIE will download it to the EuroCHRIE YouTube platform. This is not a compulsory element this year, but possibly will be in the future. If you are only attending virtually then this video is critically important. Visitors to posters will be able to leave questions and messages and makes the poster presentations far more interactive than have been in the past.

The quality of EuroCHRIE 2022 is established, in great part, by the dedication of the Board of Reviewers. It was a pleasure to work with them all. Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences appreciated their time, dedication, and commitment to the EuroCHRIE family.

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