24-27 OCTOBER, 2022

Wittenborg University hosts EuroCHRIE 2022 at the Aventus Building

Aventus is a regional training center in the Stedendriehoek region (Apeldoorn, Deventer and Zutphen). In addition to MBO education, Aventus offers vavo (mavo, havo and vwo for adults) and adult education.
The school has approximately 12,000 students and course participants and approximately 1,200 employees. The institution has five main locations in Apeldoorn, Deventer, Zutphen and 16 outdoor locations across the country.
Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences is a dynamic, double accredited business school, with its headquarters in Apeldoorn.

Wittenborg was established in 1987. It is one of the few 100% English-speaking higher education institutes in the Netherlands and its 1000+ students and staff represent over 100 nationalities, making it the most international private university of applied sciences, and business school in the Netherlands. The school also has a vibrant study location in Amsterdam, with a focus on Entrepreneurship.

In 2022, it hosts the annual EuroCHRIE Conference.
