Thriving Destinations: an ecosystem approach and the new role for the DMO

Thriving Destinations: an ecosystem approach and the new role for the DMO

Thriving destinations welcome visitors while ensuring a positive benefit for people and nature through constant renewal in a purpose-driven local economy Combining the thought of destinations as cohesive systems by utilising the intelligence of nature with the transformation of destinations functioning as ecosystems, a new and challenging role can be seen for the DMO in the future.

The aim is to reshuffle and specify the five hexagons community, environment, economy, mindset and organisation The paradigm will be embraced in the sustainability debate that damage limitation is deficient and that tourism is part of a harmonious interconnected social-ecological system Through literature review and desk research a conceptual model will be created and will serve as input for further discussion It will be also the departure point for explorative research in practice as well as curriculum innovation of hospitality management programmes.

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About the Author

Ellen Schulten

With a long working history in the field of touroperating and a Master in Business Administration I have embraced the concept of regenerative destinations. I believe in the urgent need for an existential system change away from economical growth and with the respectful use of nature’s intelligence, built over 3,8 billion years. From that perspective Tourism destinations are regarded as inclusive, cohesive ecostems with nature alike regenerative capacity where humans and nature together form live and where it is good to live, to work and to visit.
