Hosting Collective Learning: Students Being There For the Other

Hosting Collective Learning: Students Being There For the Other

In this paper, we argue that the current focus on study success is detrimental for the development of an in-class ‘culture of learning.’ In many higher education institutes (HEI’s), the primary goal of teaching is to transfer knowledge from lecturers to individual students, preparing them for successful assessment performance. Students are thus encouraged to gather knowledge only to set and achieve individual learning goals. In turn, this leads to a ‘culture of competition’ in which students work by themselves and effectively hide their intelligence from other students. If the aim is to shape the future of education, then a shift is required. Current teaching practices should be innovated to stimulate so-called ‘collaborative learning environments’ for students (Bereiter & Scardamalia, 2014). This would enable a movement toward achieving a culture of learning. How HEI’s can make the shift toward such a culture is explored toward the end of the paper.

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About the Authors

Bastienne Bernasco-Otten

Bastienne Bernasco is a senior lecturer and Green Ambassador at Saxion University of Applied Science. She likes to tap into the learning sciences to facilitate learning in interdisciplinary teams. Her current academic focus is on knowledge creation for sustainable design solutions and technologies. Bastienne regularly presents at hospitality conferences on topics including hospitality, ethics and technology and knowledge building discourse. She contributes as an expert to the Hospitality Net’s World Panel on Sustainability in Hospitality.

Kim Meijer-van Wijk

Kim Meijer is a researcher and lecturer with 8 years experience in higher education. Besides from this, Kim is a business ethics trainer with experience built up in private and public organizations. Kim holds a master in Philosophy (applied ethics) and is currently finishing her PhD on the subject of business ethics at Tilburg University.
