It’s a wrap up! EuroCHRIE Vienna 2023

October 11, 2023

The 2023 EuroCHRIE conference has come to a close and we would like to thank you for your attendance. 96 paper presentations, 17 workshops and 28 posters formed the academic backbone of this conference.

A night out at the Prater, culinary immersion in a Wiener Würstlstand and a glamorous Gala Dinner at the Town Hall completed the conference experience.

The Graphic Wrap-up

Many of you attended the conference wrap-up session on Friday, October 6th. During this session – moderated by EuroCHRIE president Steven Rhoden – the board of directors provided their very own reflection of this year’s conference. From groundbreaking research to inspiring discussions, it was impressive to see how the EuroCHRIE community shared ideas and knowledge to shape the future of tourism. The entire session was graphically recorded by an artist. Have a look at the final output and see for yourself how diverse and multilayered EuroCHRIE 2023 has been.

It was our pleasure to host you at the FHWien der WKW and showcast our Austrian hospitality. We wish you all the best, stay healthy and see you in Doha in 2024.

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