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Planet Hospitality: The Regeneration Awakens – Dr. Legrand’s Vision for Sustainable Tourism

November 7, 2024

At EuroCHRIE 2024, Dr. Willy Legrand, a renowned expert in sustainable tourism, delivered a compelling keynote address that challenged the hospitality industry to embrace a new era of responsibility and regeneration.

In “Planet Hospitality: The Regeneration Awakens,” Dr. Legrand presented a powerful vision for a future where hoteliers act as stewards of the environment and champions of sustainable practices.

Explore Dr. Legrand’s insightful presentation to discover how the hospitality industry can lead the way in creating a more sustainable future for tourism.

*Use the scroll bar on the right side to navigate through the slides.

Conference: EuroCHRIE 2024
Type: Keynote address
Theme: Future of sustainability in the hospitality industry
Speaker: Dr. Willy Legrand, Professor at IU International University of Applied Science, Germany

Keynote Title & Summary:
Planet Hospitality: The Regeneration Awakens

“In a galaxy …not so far away, a powerful Force awakens. Not one of Jedi and Sith, but of restoration and regeneration —a crucial ally in our battle against the dark side of biodiversity collapse, climate emergency, and global unsustainable production and consumption…”

In the keynote “Planet Hospitality: The Regeneration Awakens,” we explore a meaningful shift in the hospitality industry. This session challenges the view that hospitality is about fulfilling every individual desire at the expense of broader ecological and social accountability. On a crowded planet, freedom of choice does not absolve responsibility of impact especially at a time when we are reaping the consequences of our actions. Each decision along the hospitality value chain, each stakeholder interaction, and each guest stay matters. How about a new social contract in hospitality? Rooted in sustainability and regeneration, the contract includes an evolved role of hoteliers not just as providers but as facilitators of regenerative efforts, brokers of sustainable choices, and catalysators of connections.

Through compelling practical insights and supported with scientific evidence, we explain how this shift is not only feasible but essential; a decade after the Paris Agreement, marrying hospitality experience with planetary and societal health is essential. Hospitality can lead this change, are you ready to step into this new era?

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