Can a Senior Living Management Course Positively Change Students’ Perspectives of Older Adults and Working in Senior Living?

Senior Living (SL) has been characterized as the intersection of hospitality and healthcare and potential employer of hospitality and tourism (HTM) graduates. However, little is known about HTM students’ perspectives of older adults and of working in this unique hospitality sector.

To understand students’ perceptions, a hospitality-centric SL course in an HTM undergraduate program was provided at a U.S. university. Enrollees were asked about their attitudes toward older adults and expectations of working in SL careers during the semester’s first (pre) and last (post) week of the course. Results of this pilot study revealed that attitudes toward older adults for enthusiasm, affection, engagement, and kinship changed in a positive direction. Additionally, various expectations of working in SL improved during the semester. Findings have HTM curriculum and career development implications.

EuroCHRIE Vienna 2023: Poster Presentation
