October 2017
2017 EuroCHRIE Awards
The Results from EuroCHRIE Nairobi 2017

The EuroCHRIE President's Award
– sponsored by REDGlobal
The EuroCHRIE Presidents Award is the highest individual recognition a member of EuroCHRIE may receive. It is presented to a EuroCHRIE member in recognition of the individual's lifetime contributions and outstanding service both to hospitality and tourism education and the EuroCHRIE Federation.
This year is awarded to Dr. Maureen Brookes

STR Global “Bridging the Gap” Award
- in recognition of significant contributions related to bridging the gap between academia and industry
This award honours a professional who has worked to build closer cooperation between academia and industry in relation to training, research and development in hospitality and tourism education. The recipient will normally be a EuroCHRIE member
This year is awarded to REDGlobal Learning

The EuroCHRIE International Industry Award
The award recognizes an outstanding international industry or organisation for demonstrated commitment and service to the hospitality and tourism industry.
This year is awarded to Institute of Hospitality

Institute of Hospitality 'in Practice' Award
The award is given to a superior industry focused research publication that has been submitted to the 2017 EuroCHRIE conference.
The nominees are:
To leave or not to leave? A myth of the employment market in the
casino industry in Macao
by Kim-Ieng Loi, Weng-Si Lei and Fernando Lourenco
Institute for Tourism Studies, Macao
Environmental Buying Decisions of Restaurant Customers in Kenya
by Lucy Gikonyo and Pauline Thumbi
Strathmore University, Nairobi, Kenya
How to Throw a Bird? – Towards a Framework for Pro-Poor Tourism Development
by Charlotte Bruun and Anne Lassen Zakaria
University College of Northern Denmark (UCN)
To leave or not to leave? A myth of the employment market in the
casino industry in Macao
by Kim-Ieng Loi, Weng-Si Lei and Fernando Lourenco
Institute for Tourism Studies, Macao

Institut Paul Bocuse Research Award
The award will commend an individual piece of research, submitted to the 2017 EuroCHRIE conference, that has made a significant contribution to our industry and to education.
The nominees are:
The Role of Sensation Seeking Styles on Travel Risk Perception and
the Need for Travel Insurance
by Cindia Ching Chi Lam, Ut Lon Im and Xinyi Xiao
Institute for Tourism Studies, Macao
Does Willingness-To-Pay for Rate Conditions Change over the Booking
Horizon? A novel time-dependent conjoint analysis approach
by Bjorn Arenoe, Arenoe Marketing Intelligence and Jean-Pierre van der Rest
Leiden University
Environmental Buying Decisions of Restaurant Customers in Kenya
by Lucy Gikonyo and Pauline Thumbi
Strathmore University, Nairobi, Kenya
Do Cultural Values Matter in Hotel Customers’ Positive Emotions and
Electronic Word-of-Mouth (eWOM) Behaviour?
by Yaou Hu and Hyun Jeong Kim
Washington State University, USA
The Role of Sensation Seeking Styles on Travel Risk Perception and
the Need for Travel Insurance
by Cindia Ching Chi Lam, Ut Lon Im and Xinyi Xiao
Institute for Tourism Studies, Macao

The EuroCHRIE Regional Industry Award
The award recognizes an outstanding regional organisation for demonstrated commitment and service to the hospitality and tourism industry.
This year is awarded to Basecamp Explorer

The EuroCHRIE Best Poster Award
The award is given to a superior research poster presented at the EuroCHRIE 2017 conference.
The role of warmth in the experience of hospitality - an exploratory study
- Ruth Pijls and Brenda Groen from Saxion University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands
- Mirjam Galetzka and Ad Pruyn University of Twente, The Netherlands

The EuroCHRIE University Challenge Award
- sponsored by RedGlobal
The award goes to the winner of the 2017 EuroCHRIE University Challenge, an international lodging competition run by RedGlobal
The Winner is Budapest Business School
Runners up are Stenden South Africa
REPORT: 3rd Annual EuroCHRIE University Challenge Comes to a Terrific Conclusion!